Fairfield Joins Connecticut Neighborhood Assistance Act Once Again

The program allows businesses to claim a state tax credit for cash contributions made to qualifying community programs.

FAIRFIELD, CT — Fairfield is again participating in the state's Neighborhood Assistance Act program, according to Fairfield's Office of Community & Economic Development, which is soliciting for program proposals from municipal agencies and community non-profit organizations for funding consideration under the state initiative.

The Neighborhood Assistance Act program allows businesses to claim a state tax credit for cash contributions made to qualifying community programs conducted by tax-exempt or municipal agencies. There are no Fairfield town funds involved in the program.

The types of community programs that qualify for the NAA tax credit program include, but are not necessarily limited to: energy conservation; employment and training; child care services; neighborhood assistance; substance abuse; open space acquisition; crime prevention programs; and affordable housing development. The minimum contribution on which a tax credit may be granted is $250, and the maximum contribution that any non-profit or municipal entity can receive under this program is $150,000.

For further information about the Neighborhood Assistance Act Program or to receive an application packet, don't hesitate to contact the Office of Community & Economic Development at (203) 256-3120 or go to the DRS website at www.ct.gov/drs.

Businesses wishing to take advantage of this program to reduce their State tax liability may also contact this office for further information. All applications must be received by close of business on April 25, 2025 to be considered.

Contact us and we’ll show you what makes Fairfield a viable choice for your business.

Mark S. Barnhart, 
Director of Community & Economic Development
611 Old Post Road
Fairfield, CT   06824
(203) 256-3120 (office)
(203) 767-2854 (mobile)
(203) 256-3129 (fax)


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