Make It Here: Connecticut’s Brand Refresh

Connecticut has a new brand identity, with officials rolling out a new look Oct. 17 to replace the “Still Revolutionary” campaign launched in 2012.

The “Make It Here” identity features a new logo—a circular C with an embedded T—and a slogan designed to promote “economic growth and instill greater pride in state residents.”

“By shining a light on the state’s underlying identity, we’re telling a more authentic story about Connecticut today, and better showing where we’re headed tomorrow,” said Anthony Anthony, the state’s chief marketing officer.

The logo and marketing assets were developed by Glastonbury-based marketing agency Cronin and leveraged research from a survey of Connecticut residents.

That survey found that almost half of surveyed residents thought the “Still Revolutionary” brand was irrelevant.

Changing Perceptions

While the survey returned positive scores for Connecticut as a place to live (73%), work (59%), and play (78%), only 21% of residents said they would recommend the state to others.

Department of Economic and Community Development commissioner Alexandra Daum said the new campaign “is going to hit those perceptions head on.”

“We’re here to bring people and businesses to the state,” she said at the Bristol launch event. “It’s really hard to do that when you have an uphill battle against some negative perception.”

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Mark Barnhart
Director, Office of Community & Economic Development

The Office of Community & Economic Development works to support the local business community and to encourage economic development in Fairfield. Let us know how we can help your business prosper and grow in Fairfield.

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Mark Barnhart
Director, Office of Community & Economic Development

The Office of Community & Economic Development works to support the local business community and to encourage economic development in Fairfield. Let us know how we can help your business prosper and grow in Fairfield.


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