New Choose Greater Bridgeport Website Now Available

The Connecticut Metropolitan Council of Government offers a new regional business attraction website encompassing Bridgeport, Easton, Fairfield, Monroe, Stratford and Trumbull. Stay up to date with the latest economic development and business news; get valuable data, and learn about the benefits of doing business in the Greater Bridgeport area. 

As one of Connecticut’s nine Councils of Government, MetroCOG works with municipal partners to identify projects, programs, funding opportunities, best practices, and strategies that advance a shared vision for the region. The agency’s core disciplines include transportation, la nd use, economic development, environmental and natural hazard mitigation planning, brownfields assessment and remediation, regional shared services, and a range of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and data services.


Mark Barnhart
Director, Office of Community & Economic Development

The Office of Community & Economic Development works to support the local business community and to encourage economic development in Fairfield. Let us know how we can help your business prosper and grow in Fairfield.

Choose Fairfield


Mark Barnhart
Director, Office of Community & Economic Development

The Office of Community & Economic Development works to support the local business community and to encourage economic development in Fairfield. Let us know how we can help your business prosper and grow in Fairfield.


Connecticut Small Business Boost Fund


Press Event Promotes Upcoming "Access to Capital Matchmaker" Event at Fairfield University on June 4th